Nature Deficit Disorder

Best of the NW is here to improve the quality of life through fitness in the exploration of the natural world. We want to encourage you and your family to experience the most of Seattle’s beautiful back yard and get out on the trails year-round.  Why? Here is a bit of the backstory.

Fight Nature Deficit Disorder; make the commitment to getting out on the trails every week year-round. In addition to the obvious physical benefits, we think you will notice improved mental clarity as well. Our bodies were meant to move and our minds move with them. Set some adventurous goals and make a conscious effort to train to reach your ambitions.  Life is short, let’s get moving!


We challenge you to be an active participant in your own life.  We can do better than living vicariously through reality TV shows and other people’s social media. Get out there and make some memories of your own.


Follow Us to Adventure.  Watch weekly trail recommendation videos year-round.

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Wishing you health, wellness and the Best of the NW!

Bryan Schaeffer