- Happy trails -

Bryan Schaeffer is the founder of BestoftheNW.org, which aspires to improve the quality of life for families through fitness and exploration.


the Best of the NW Project

In this decade-long project our family explored peaks, valleys, beaches, and forests to bring you the best trails within a day’s drive of the Seattle metropolitan area year-round.

Eagle Scout and former Patagonia employee Bryan’s formative years were spent mountain biking, climbing and skiing in Southwest Montana.

50 mile Luna Cirque mountaineering route, The Picket Range 2019

50 mile Luna Cirque mountaineering route, The Picket Range 2019

Traveling to the NW to attend College at Pacific Lutheran University Bryan was drawn to the rock crags and Cascade Mountains. As a first generation guide of Pacific Lutheran University’s Outdoor Recreation program, Bryan organized trips and guided fellow students to some of the regions main attractions like Tacoma’s backyard Rainier National Park.

Shortly after completing a Bachelors in Fine Art/Graphic design Bryan moved to Seattle to begin his career in design. With the challenges of raising a young family in the city Bryan shifted from weekends spent on the rock to exploring new trails with kids in-tow.

Recently moving back to Montana with his wife and 3 daughters (and 70lb goldendoodle “Loki), Bryan combines his passion of the outdoors and professional experience in multimedia to inspire families to get out on the trails year-round.

Washington’s hiking legacy treks on.
Part of our 10+ year journey to explore Washington's best trails.  We hiked, shot video footage and GPS tracked over 200 trails and over 40 in Montana.


-In The Media -


Cascade Hiker Podcast


Families on Foot Book

Hiking with twins photos published


Seattle Times Articles & Videos

Best of the NW Trails online


Park & Life Magazine

Nordic skiing article


Outside magazine online


The American Alpine Club

Reel Rock Movie festival Pre-Roll
Animated video


Explore Big Sky

Big sky Hiking guide cover illustration

Summer 2019

Thank you for visiting SINTR Outdoors. Contact Bryan to schedule a free half-hour consult on your project. 

Bryan |  Creative Lead  | (206) 280-8767  |  bryan@sintr.com