Hannah Brattenrood - Mental Performance and Nature Connection

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“Being in nature can restore connections in your brain and unload stress and help you recenter and refocus. Research would indicate we are hard wired for that. The trifecta is phyisical exercize with other people in nature. Those of us who experienced that at an early age are maybe more aware of it because we have seen the benefit of the difference it makes. If you want peak performance, to be able to operate at a peak level you have to understand what are the mechanisms that help your brain recover its energy and restore itself. Physical exercise is the most important thing for the brain outside of getting good sleep.”

You can learn more about Hannah and her work at: multipliersale.com. Visit: TheLastBestSKI.com for more information about the book and endurance sport communities in the Bozeman area. Check out TheLastBestBike.com for the new book coming out in the summer of 2021. Until next time. Happy Trails!

Learn more, read: The Joy of Movement, Born to Run and Visit The Healthy Minds Platter.

Bryan Schaeffer