The Last Best Ski - Cliff Montagne
With several decades of experience skiing in the Bozeman area, Cliff Montangne shares the local history of Nordic skiing and how cross-country skiing can build personal wellness and healthy communities.
We have the opportunity to get more school kids going with skiing and get more people out of doors. I see that as one of the keys for the future. Hopefully humankind can become more connected with nature and more respectful.
Lots of younger people and older people that become engaged with skiing become really aware of their bodies and the proper diet and health and how to take care of themselves, and hopefully that translates into more respect for other people and awareness.
It isn’t always how hard and fast one can go but how respectfully one can move and enjoy the activities of breathing, seeing, smelling and tasting, and talking and communicating with other people as well as with nature, it becomes a practice.
Cliff skating at Crosscut, Janes Gate, Ross Peak in the background